Ways to get involved
NTX Overdose
Awareness Day
Thank you for everyone who participated this year.
See you next year!
Sunday, August 31, TBD
Lawn of the Denton Courthouse on the Square
110 W. Hickory St., Denton, TX
Speakers, Resource Providers, Memorial,
Food, Music, Balloon Art, Give-Aways
Please join us in the fight to reduce stigma and end overdose.
Follow us on Facebook where you can post pictures and stories of the struggle of substance misuse and overdose. Thank you for your continued support of the cause. An in memoriam donation can be made through this site to honor a loved one.
Courtesy of Silent Stag Production
How it Started
The first North Texas Overdose Awareness Day was held in 2018 as a part of a global network, with the purpose of remembering those lost to overdose, providing valuable information on overdose prevention, and growing community awareness in North Texas. Held on the lawn at the old courthouse in downtown Denton, Texas, the event began as a way to honor Randy Roland and the many others lost to drug overdose in the North Texas area.
Our Purpose
Unite and educate the community against the opioid epidemic
Provide resources and support for individuals and families struggling with addiction
Reduce the stigma of overdose and addiction
Remember those who have lost their lives to overdose
Part of a Larger Network
International Overdose Awareness Day (IOAD) is a global event held on August 31 each year to raise awareness of overdose and reduce the stigma of drug-related deaths. It also acknowledges the grief felt by families and friends remembering those who have died or had a permanent injury as a result of drug overdose. International Overdose Awareness Day spreads the message that overdose death is preventable. It was initiated in 2001 by The Salvation Army in Melbourne, Australia. Since then, community members, government, and non-government organizations have held hundreds of events each year all over the world to raise awareness and commemorate those who have been lost to drug overdose. IOAD is coordinated by the non-profit Australian public health organization, the Penington Institute.
Thank You to Our 2024 Sponsors

How to become a Sponsor
Contact us to become a sponsor. A limited number of $250.00 sponsorships available. Sponsor benefits: resource table guaranteed with a sponsor designation signage, name on event T-shirt, listing on social media and website, listing on Thank You signage at the event, recognition from stage at the event.
Thank You to our 2024 Resource Providers
Denton County Drug Treatment Court
Denton Freedom House
Denton ISD Health Services
Denton Serenity Nar-Anon Family Group
Denton County Public Health
Denton County Homeless Coalition
Denton County MHMR
Denton PD Mental Health Division
Denton Treatment Services
Denton Vote Group
Jacob’s Journey
Ignite U1
Mandy Metts Makes
Recovery Resource Council
R.O.O. Reacting to Opioid Overdose
Sante Center for Healing
The Art Room
UNT R.I.S.E. Center
UNT Department of Rehabilitation and Health Services
UNT Department of Social Services
Grace Counseling
Military Veteran Peer Network
Well Culture Counseling
Solutions of North Texas
PDQ Staffing
Angelina Lives On
Journey of Hope Grief Support Center
Oxford House
Mantra Recovery
Goline & Roland Law Firm
Dr. Claudette Fette/TWU
School of Occupational Therapy
Patchouli Joe’s Bookstore & Indulgences
Bust’en Fentanyl
Families Against Fentanyl Poisoning
Texoma HIDTA
Help Me Grow/Help Me Thrive/MHMR Tarrant County
Jerry Lou’s Place
Parkland Health and Hospital System/IFOPD
Dallas Division of the Drug Enforcement Administration
Cook Childrens’ and North Texas Poison Center
The Salvation Army Adult Rehabilitaion Center/Ft. Worth
University Behavioral Health Denton
Applegate Recovery
Ft. Worth Chapter of TAAP
Jessie’s Light and NTX Angel Moms
Oak and Willow Counseling
Valley Hope of Grapevine
George and Sarah Roland, Lawyers
Gemini Recovery Community
FUMC Denton
Winning the Fight
North TX Rural Resilience
New Beginnings Recovery Ministry
Denton County Friends of the Family
How to become a Resource Provider (no COST)
Contact us to become a resource provider; spaces are limited. There is no cost; we will provide a table and chair set up. You bring your knowledge and resources to share with the community. You will be listed on our social media, website and Thank You signage at event.